Pankaj Sharma, Senior Vice President, Home & Business Networks, Schneider Electric
Greg Klingaman, Global Head of Retail & Strategic Partnerships, Diageo
Kathy Tan Mayor, SVP & CMO, Carnival Cruise Line
Technology gives us marketers degrees of freedom to not only do things better, but also do better things.
Martin Granström, Sr Director, Head of Design, Sam's Club
"Design thinking” has recently entered our collective buzzword vocabulary, but it is much more than just office jargon. With the right understanding and application, design thinking can
Randy Gross, CIO, CompTIA
The retail sector has experienced many changes throughout its history. Over the past 10-15 years the impact of disruptive technologies has been especially pronounced.
Steve Rempel, CIO, Rite Aid [NYSE:RAD]
Many will tell you that today’s consumer is more powerful than ever, thanks to the personal mobile computers we have in our pockets, our homes, and even our cars.
Joe Sheridan, Corporate Director of IT & CIO, Soave Enterprises
Informational Technology is a massively evolving and dynamic sector. Technology has permeated to every strata of the society and is playing pivotal role in shaping social dynamics.
Luis Sanz, Founder, Olapic
There is no question that data is a critical part of retail success. Each part of the customer journey needs to be tracked and measured.
Justin Honaman, VP & GM, PRGX
Amazon did not take over the entire Retail world. Apple Pay did not eliminate the cash equation in retail stores. Drones are not yet delivering product to our homes.
Vlad Yakubson, Head of Retail, Retail Apparel Group
The key to all the analytics, AI and future technology is the “how” to apply them in a personal way to relate best to the consumer.
Matan Holander, VP Business Development
Business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce has evolved at multiple levels. Evidently, understanding the unique purchasing preferences of the modern day buyers have become increasingly critical to the long-term growth of B2B merchants.
Sanjay Choubey, VP-IT, Briggs & Stratton
A leaders in business or IT, automation has always been understood as an approach to manage cost and increase operational efficiency.
Mark Wang, Chief Data Scientist, Alorica
It might be painful to analyze where your brand is falling short, but consider feedback from your customers as a gift, not a pain point.
Robert Killory, Chief Innovation Officer, 3CLogic
Data from every channel should be aggregated and organized in order to garner key business intelligence across channels and specific to each channel.
Angela Hsu, SVP of Marketing and eCommerce, Lamps Plus
With the growing success of text chat on, we recently began to look for ways to build better connections between our online customers and our brick and mortar lighting and decor stores.
Thomas Phelps IV, CIO & VP-Corporate Strategy, Laserfiche
One key metric in realigning IT is the percentage of IT spend focused on “keeping the lights on” versus business innovation.
Kyu Cho, VP, Nisum
According to recent numbers from the U.S. Department of Commerce, e-commerce sales accounted for 10.6 percent of total retail sales by the end of 2015.
Stephen Downey, Senior VP, Healthcare & Electronics, GEODIS
There is enormous pressure on healthcare organizations to reduce costs and find efficiency in the supply chain.